Language groups

Returning French Expats

Come and share your international experience and relocation know-how!

Korean Group

Welcome to the Korean Group!

Anglophone group

If you would like to register for this group, please click on : REGISTRATION This section of the AISG is for English speaking ladies whether it is their first or subsequent language. As a group we organise many activities including walks, (...)

Hispanophone group

If you would like to register for this group, please click on : REGISTRATION ¡Bienvenidas a todas las que quieran compartir con nosotras en el grupo de habla hispana! Abierto a todas las que deseen conversar en español. Cafés, comidas, salidas, (...)

Germanophone group

Si vous souhaitez vous inscrire à ce groupe, veuillez cliquer sur : INSCRIPTION AU GROUPE Unsere Gruppe ist international. Natürlich gibt es viele Muttersprachlerinnen, aber auch viele, die einige Jahre in einem deutschsprachigen Land gelebt (...)

Italian group

If you would like to register for this group, please click on : REGISTRATION Hai vissuto in Italia per studio o lavoro, sei italiano e ti sei trasferito a St-Germain-en-Laye, vuoi trovare un angolo d’Italia? unisciti al nostro gruppo! Gli (...)

Japanese group

If you would like to register for this group, please click on : REGISTRATION 日本のグループのメンバーは月一度集まり、お茶やおやつを頂きながら楽しい時間を過ごしています。打ち解けた陽気な会に是非ご参加ください。

Lusophone group

If you would like to register for this group, please click on : REGISTRATION O que une as aderentes ao grupo lusófono ? A língua portuguesa ! Somos de diversas nacionalidades e o grupo está aberto a todas que falem o português, independente do (...)

Polish group

If you would like to register for this group, please click on : REGISTRATION Mówisz po polsku albo jesteś z pochodzenia Polką? Twój udział w naszych spotkaniach będzie mile widziany, średnio raz w miesiącu, u jednej z nas lub w którejś z kawiarni w (...)

Indian contact

Are you from India ? Feel free to contact an Indian member who lives in the area. She will be delighted to hear from you!